Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lousy Lice

Some child in my son's classroom has lice.

Ever since I heard that, my head has been itching non-stop.*

Throughout my years of teaching, I managed to escape lice. Yes, it's much less prevalent with the junior high set and older, but I had enough contact with littler ones that I count it as an accomplishment.

But then I see the notice at my son's school and am reminded that there's another route of infestation open to me now. I think we may have passed the incubation period for this round, but I know it's just a matter of time before the next one. And the one after that. Ad nauseam.

And with this whole trying-to-get-pregnant thing, I have the added concern that I couldn't just use the strong shampoo to kill the little suckers off. I believe that the non-chemical approach involves spreading oil over your hair and covering with Saran Wrap for a couple hours. A couple times a day. For many days.

Is shaving my son's head an option?**

* A totally psychosomatic reaction. We've checked our son nightly and have seen no signs. All three of us have dark enough hair that lice would be obvious.

** Probably not a good idea as we head into Canadian cold weather. Sigh.


metro mama said...


Pendullum said...

Tea Tree Oil I have heard...Ask at the health food stores...
I figure a mother's mantra is just... WHewww by the skin of me' teeth this time...
We have not had lice or any of the ohter nasties...
But I figure it is just a matter of time...
My kid is 8...

moplans said...

oh I hate the plagues! Always the threat
Seriously if I had a boy I would consider shaving his head.
I have heard these non chemical methods with mayo or vaseline to smother the little buggers but have no experience with them. Hopefully I won't find out their efficacy through you.

crazymumma said...

Tee tree oil in the shampoo and conditioner as a preventative.

Pinworms and lice. Sigh.

Here's hoping.....Good luck.

Mouse said...

Ack. Pinworms. Something else to worry about. I personally have dealt with ringworm before too (though that's a fungus, not a worm).