Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Political ennui

I mentioned several months ago about my support for John Edwards, but have not said much about politics since then. Nevertheless, it's been on my mind quite a bit. And somehow, it seems appropriate to say something about this on "Super Tuesday."

Obviously, I'm aware that John Edwards pulled out of the race last week. Sigh. I sensed it was inevitable, that he simply could not compete with the narrative of A Woman vs. An African-American.

And so I find myself in an odd place--I don't know who I would vote for. I told Trillian that if Edwards were still on the ballot, a likely possibility since they are usually printed up significantly ahead of time, I would probably still choose him, an indication that I am not ready to throw my support behind either of the remaining viable candidates. (Talking Democrats here; none of the Republicans are an option for me.)

As it turns out, I don't have to decide yet. We couldn't get registered in our new state before the deadline for primary/caucus voting, and I threw out my absentee ballot from my old voting state before I realized this. Oops.

Usually this would be very upsetting to me. I always vote. I go out of my way to make sure I will be able to cast my vote on the scheduled day or that my absentee ballot request is in well in advance of the deadline. But this time around, I cannot work up the necessary enthusiasm. There is no doubt in my mind--I will vote for whichever Democratic candidate is selected. No hesitation. I just can't get excited about either one. This is saying something: I'm one of the few people I know who truly liked Kerry last time around.

I just want this process decided so I can spend the next 9 months getting a sense of what we're in for.


moplans said...

oh oh. You've got me worried. No enthusiasm for the either candidate?
So what do you think today?

Mouse said...

Still too close to call. I have decided, however, that I will get involved in the campaign of whichever candidate gets the nod. I do feel strongly about having a Democrat in office--and even as lukewarm as I am about either right now, I get quite worked up about the Republican options.

moplans said...

lol. That was my guess.