Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Most years, I don't pay a lot of attention to the changing of the years, other than to silently curse as I write the wrong number for several weeks. The most significant beginning, my real New Year, usually falls in September, with the start of the school year. As a result, it's been years since I made resolutions at the end of December/beginning of January.

But this year, this January 1st, coincides with a number of big changes in my life. And so I find myself viewing this new year as a new beginning, a bit of a clean slate. I can't quite bring myself to write traditional resolutions, so I present this list instead.

This will be the year that:
  • we figure out how big our family will be.
  • I find a way to enjoy exercising again.
  • I finish my comps.
  • I complete an environmental audit of our new house and devise a plan for how we can minimize our impact.
  • we hang artwork in at least two different rooms.
  • we get Scooter evaluated and determine what supports he'll have in school.
  • I experiment with gluten-free baking.
  • I meditate regularly.


nutella said...

I just wanted to point you to a very nice food blog with some very creative gluten free baking. The author's father in law is Celiac. Her stuff is NOT healthy or dairy free, but it looks like a good place to start. Check out http://www.latartinegourmande.com/ Happy new year!

Aliki2006 said...

These are some heavy and complicated resolutions--but good solid, commendable ones as well. And experimenting with baking is always rewarding!

moplans said...

I'll be following your gluten free baking.
Good luck with all of those resolutions.