Saturday, August 01, 2009

Notes from the road

Scooter's fresh out of his bath in the hotel, has taken his vitamins, and has been rubbed with lotion. Time for the pull-up...

I vividly remember looking at the pack under the sink in his bathroom and making a mental note to pack some. Guess what I forgot!?

Quick trip to the local grocery store in this tiny little town. As I drive down there, I realize it's already 8:30 (thanks, time change) on a weekend night. Fingers crossed they're open until at least 9:00. Rejoicing when I discover that they're open until 10. And they have the exact pull-ups I know will fit Scooter without any leaking!

* * * *

I also pick up a bag of raisins. We have other healthy snacks in the car too, but of course Scooter focused on the sugar today, with a side of Fritos. He was in a foul mood this evening and had a meltdown over how he needed more candy. We insisted on something healthy and managed cream-cheese crackers with apple juice. Absolutely no more sugar! As he winds down for the evening, he's a bit more pleasant, so the detox is already working.

* * * *

I'd forgotten that the Indigo Girls cuss on their more recent albums. Like the f-word. In multiple songs now. One of the times I'm thankful that Scooter's auditory processing issues and lack of interest in our music means he's not paying attention to the words.

* * * *

Trillian's insisting I head to bed. Given that I woke up just after 5 this morning, I'm inclined to agree with her.


Aliki2006 said...

I can't tell you how many times we've neglected to pack Goodnights for L. and had to make a grocery run!

Team Serrins Springfield said...

1. Yep, we neglected to remember pull-ups on a recent trip as well.

2. Yes, it'a appalling how much they cuss. I notice it more on Amy's songs. Sometimes we hear Ash singing along and are glad he's just fudging the words he doesn't know.